To understand CSS shaders, it is necessary to have a basic understanding of predefined filter effects. The following demo shows a simple filter effects example: on hover, a user gets a simple grayscale to color fade effect.
Here is the code for the grayscale effect:
#shaded {
filter: grayscale(1);
transition: filter ease-in 0.3s;
#shaded:hover {
filter: grayscale(0);
<div id="shaded">
<div id="multi-col">
<h2>The Creative Web</h2>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor ... </p>
<img id="png-img" src="planes.jpg"/>
<p>Mauris at ... </p>
<img id="svg-img" src="picture.svg" />
<p>Morbi congue ....</p>
<img id="css3-img" src="html5_css3_styling.svg" />
Using filter effects is pretty straightforward: the
property defines the filter (or chain of filters) that should be applied. As you can see, it is also very easy to integrate it with CSS transitions. The filter
property is animatable.
In the example, the
filter function is animated to gradually fade out because the amount
parameter in the filter function is animated from 1 (full grayscale) to 0 (no grayscale) when the user hovers on the shaded
The W3C Filter Effects 1.0 draft specification defines two things:
- A general syntax for defining a filter by assembling filter primitives in a graph.
property that can reference a filter definition or use one or more filter functions.
property can use a number of predefined filter functions: blur, drop-shadow, gamma, grayscale, hue-rotate, invert, opacity, saturate, sepia, and sharpen. Figure 2 illustrates the effect of each:- blur(5, 5)
- drop-shadow(10, 5, 5)
- hue-rotate(328deg)
- saturate(5)
- invert(1)
- grayscale(1)
- opacity(0.5)
- gamma(1.1, 3.6, 0)
- sepia(0.5)
Figure 2. The filter effects functions.
The beauty of Filter Effects is the simplicity of the syntax and the integration with CSS animations and CSS transitions.
However, some things are more difficult. For example, what if you want to have only a portion of the element turn to gray scale? Or what if you want the transition to happen differently, for example, as a swipe effect over the element? Or what if you want a filter effect that is not amongst the predefined set of filter functions or the default set of filter primitives? This is where CSS shaders come in.
The CSS shaders proposal offers to add a
filter function to Filter Effects that integrates with predefined filters and CSS animations and transitions. CSS shaders provide the flexibility and expressivity needed to create arbitrary effects—from the simplest ones to the most complex.Custom filter effects with CSS shaders
I'll start with an example. The effect shown above (fading from grayscale to color) is nice, but it can be improved. The following video shows a more sophisticated effect: when transitioning from grayscale to color, the content "wobbles" for a short while and, simultaneously, a color-swipe goes across the content, bottom to top.
This demo uses a vertex shader for the wobble effect and a pixel shader for the color swipe effect. Both are simply referenced by the
filter function which also carries parameters for the shaders, as well as some configuration options. Here is the code:<html>
#shaded {
filter: custom(url('wobble.vs') /* wobble effect */
url('color-swipe.fs'), /* swipe effect */
40 40, /* mesh lines/cols */
amplitude 60, /* wobble strength */
amount 0.0); /* effect amount */
transition: filter ease-in-out 2s;
#shaded:hover {
filter: custom(url('wobble.vs')
40 40,
amplitude 60,
amount 1.0);
<div id="shaded">
<div id="multi-col">
<h2>The Creative Web</h2>
<!-- Same as previous example -->
Note how similar the code is to the earlier grayscale example. As for other filter effects, we use the
property to define the effect. The difference is that instead of using one of the predefined filter functions, we use thecustom()
function and reference the two shaders. The specifics of shaders are discussed in more detail later on. For the time being, the important thing to understand is that each shader provides a specific effect and exposes parameters that can be set and animated from CSS.
In this example, the custom filter uses a
vertex shader (for the distortion) and the color-swipe.fs
fragment shader (for the grayscale to color swipe effect).What are shaders?
Shaders are common in 3D graphics. They are (typically) small programs that process the vertices of 3D geometry (vertex shaders) and the color of pixels (fragment shaders).
For example, a vertex shader can create a waving flag effect on a surface, or a wobble effect, as in the previous example. A fragment shader (also called pixel shader) can make arbitrary computations to determine a pixel's color. CSS shaders harness the power of hardware-accelerated shader programs.
How do CSS shaders work?
With CSS shaders, you can turn your HTML or SVG element into a vertex mesh. This is illustrated in Figure 3, as step 1. That mesh is then processed by a vertex shader (in step 2) which makes any kinds of distortion, in 3D space, possible. In step 3, the mesh is rendered (or rasterized) into pixels which the fragment shader colors.
Figure 3. The CSS shaders processing model.
As authors, you can control the mesh's granularity, and you can specify parameters that control the shaders.
In the example, the element with the
id has its filter
property set to: custom(url('wobble.vs') /* wobble effect */
url('color-swipe.fs'), /* swipe effect */
40 40, /* mesh lines/cols */
amplitude 60, /* wobble strength */
amount 0.0); /* effect amount */
and color-swipe.fs
shaders have been coded such that when the amount
parameter is set to 0, there is no wobble and the pixel shader applies a uniform grayscale to the element.
When the user hovers on the
element, its filter
property is set to:custom(url('wobble.vs')
40 40,
amplitude 60,
amount 1)
Again, remember the meaning of the parameters is shader specific. In this example, the author of the shader has designed it so that at amount 0.5, the wobble has its maximum effect, and it settles back to stillness at amount 1.0. The color-swipe shader is such that between amount 0.0 and amount 1.0 it creates a bottom to top color swipe along with a shine effect, done by adding white to the pixel values at the same location as the swipe's horizontal divide. Watching the above video is the best way to understand the visual effect.
As with the grayscale filter effect earlier, the integration with CSS transition makes it very easy to set the effect in motion and is done the same way, using the
property.Writing shaders
In practice, it seems likely many people will use great custom effects provided by shaders that will expose easily configured parameters, as in the previous example.
Writing shaders, while taking some practice is not that difficult. Also, and this is a little known secret, they are a lot of fun to author.
Shaders are written in the OpenGL ES shading language, the same language used for WebGL shaders. Here is the vertex shader example that creates the wobble effect from the previous example.
For those not familiar with shaders, the following terminology definitions should help read the examples:
- Vertex: A coordinate on the geometry processed by the shaders.
- Texture: A raster image (offscreen image). CSS shaders turn an element's rendering into a texture that is used and processed by the vertex and fragment shaders.
- Attributes: Per-vertex parameters, passed to the vertex shader
- Uniform: Global parameters that have the same value for all vertices and pixels. They are passed from the
function to the shaders. - Projection Matrix: A matrix converting coordinates from the normalized vertex coordinate range ([-0.5, +0.5] along each axis) back to the actual viewport coordinate system. Typically used in the vertex shader.
precision mediump float; /* required */
// ================= Per-vertex attributes =================== //
attribute vec3 a_position; /* The vertex's coordinates */
attribute vec2 a_texCoord; /* The vertext's texture coordinate */
// Uniform parameters are available to shaders and have the
// same value for all vertex or pixel.
uniform mat4 u_projectionMatrix; /* The projection matrix */
// ================ Shader parameters ======================== //
uniform float amplitude;
uniform float amount;
// ============== End shader parameters ====================== //
const float rotate = 20.0; /* could be made a uniform */
/* to allow control form CSS */
const float PI = 3.14...;
varying vec2 v_texCoord;
mat4 rotateX(float f) {...}
mat4 rotateY(float f) {...}
mat4 rotateZ(float f) {...}
void main()
v_texCoord = a_texCoord.xy;
vec4 pos = vec4(a_position, 1.0);
float r = 1.0 - abs((amount - 0.5) / 0.5);
float a = r * rotate * PI / 180.0;
mat4 rotX = rotateX(a);
mat4 rotY = rotateY(a / 4.0);
mat4 rotZ = rotateZ(a / 8.0);
float dx = 0.01 * cos(3.0 * PI * (pos.x + amount)) * r;
float dy = 0.01 * cos(3.0 * PI * (pos.y + amount)) * r;
float dz = 0.1 * cos(3.0 * PI * (pos.x + pos.y + amount)) * r;
pos.x += dx;
pos.y += dy;
pos.z += dz;
gl_Position = u_projectionMatrix * rotZ * rotY * rotX * pos;
And here is the color-swipe fragment shader from the example:
precision mediump float; /* required */
// The 'original' content rendering in a texture.
uniform sampler2D s_texture;
// ================ Shader parameters ======================== //
uniform float amplitude; /* unused in this fragment shader */
uniform float amount;
// ============== End shader parameters ====================== //
varying vec2 v_texCoord;
// The desired 'color swipe' color.
const vec4 swipeColor = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
vec4 grayscale(vec4 color) {
return gray;
void main() {
vec4 color = texture2D(s_texture, v_texCoord);
vec4 gray = grayscale(color);
vec2 pos = v_texCoord;
float p = 1.0 - pos.y; /* progress from bottom to top */
vec4 sc = swipeColor * color.a;
float threshold = amount * 1.2;
if (p < threshold) {
float a = min(abs(threshold - p) / 0.2, 1.0);
gl_FragColor = mix(sc, color, a);
} else {
float a = min(abs(threshold - p) / 0.005, 1.0);
gl_FragColor = mix(sc, gray, a);
There are many good resources on the Web to learn how to write shaders or some libraries that contain excellent sets of shaders (see references at the end).
Shading languages, such as the OpenGL ES shading language, are designed to make programming visual effects easy. CSS shaders offer a way to tie this expressivity into the CSS syntax and make it easy to use and animate these effects.
Comparison with WebGL
WebGL provides an implementation for the HTML5 canvas element. WebGL offers a 3D context for canvas and, within that context, pixel shaders are available (and so are vertex shaders and all the other 3D features WebGL has to offer). WebGL operates within the bounds of the canvas for which it provides a context.
By contrast, CSS shaders provide a way to apply arbitrary shaders to arbitrary Web content.
Where to go from here
Adobe is bringing CSS shaders to the W3C as part of the FX task force and our goal is to start contributing this code to WebKit as soon as the work is accepted by W3C so that web developers can start enjoying this powerful new set of filter effects soon.
In the meantime, you may want to refer to the following resources to learn more about CSS animations and effects:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license, pertaining to the examples of code included within this work are available at Adobe.
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