Monday, 18 June 2012

39 Exceptional J-Query Interface Techniques and Tutorials

39 Exceptional jQuery Interface Techniques and Tutorials

by Jacob Gube

In this article, we explore the strengths of jQuery in letting web developers create impressive client-side-based user interface components.

Modal Windows

1. How to create a stunning and smooth popup using jQuery 

How to create a stunning and smooth popup using jQuery tutorial screen shot. 
In this jQuery tutorial, you'll discover a technique for creating a slick modal window that appears when the user clicks on the triggering element (in this case, form submit input, but you can easily modify it into other HTML elements like <a>). The tutorial will also show you how you can deal with keypress events so that you can incorporate keyboard shortcuts into your interface.

2. Simple jQuery Modal Window Tutorial 

Simple jQuery Modal Window Tutorial tutorial screen shot. 
This modal window tutorial uses a rel attribute to indicate whether a link opens a modal window using inline content. You'll witness a few popular jQuery methods in action like the .click() and .css() methods.

3. Building modal panels with jQuery 

Building modal panels with jQuery tutorial screen shot. 
This jQuery tutorial discusses a method for creating a modal window that builds in graceful degradation in its design for users who don't have JavaScript turned on.

Tool Tips

4. Build a Better Tooltip with jQuery Awesomeness 

Build a Better Tooltip with jQuery Awesomeness tutorial screen shot. 
This tutorial will show you a method for replacing the built-in browser tooltips that appear on elements such as images and links with title attributes.

5. Smart Tooltips with jQuery 

Smart Tooltips with jQuery tutorial screen shot.s 
This tooltip technique will check whether a link has a title attribute or not, and if it doesn't, it skips it title.

6. Coda Popup Bubbles 

Coda Popup Bubbles tutorial screen shots. 
This excellent jQuery tutorial shows you how to create slick popup bubbles that appear when hovering over the target object.

Module Tabs

7. Create a Slide Tabbed Box using jQuery 

Create a Slide Tabbed Box using jQuery screen shot. 
This simple tutorial will show you how to create a set a module tab interface that slides content left and right as you click on the tabs.

8. Create a Tabbed Interface Using jQuery 

Create a Tabbed Interface Using jQuery screen shot. 
This very detailed step-by-step tutorial will show you how to create a tabbed interface using jQuery.

9. jQuery Tabbed Interface 

jQuery Tabbed Interface screen shot. 
This excellent tutorial is yet another variation to the popular tabbed interface.

10. jQuery Tabs 

jQuery Tabs screen shot. 
This tutorial is in screencast format and is aimed at beginners and designers.

Showcasing Images

11. Create Sliding Image Caption with jQuery 

Create Sliding Image Caption with jQuery screen shot. 
This image gallery tutorial shows you an interesting interaction technique for having captions that slide up to reveal more information about a particular image when the user hovers over it.

12. Image Cross Fade Transition 

Image Cross Fade Transition screen shot. 
This tutorial will show you how to fade another image in, superimposing onto the current image when the user hovers it. It can be a great way to display more information about a particular image.

13. A Basic Image Gallery – The jQuery Way 

A Basic Image Gallery - The jQuery Way screen shto. 
Create a basic image gallery by leveraging the strengths of jQuery in traversing the DOM and in DOM manipulation.

14. Image Reveal using jQuery 

Image Reveal using jQuery screen shot. 
This quick and easy tutorial shows you the concept of hiding and showing elements by watching out for window events (in this instance – mouse hovers).

15. Inline Image Enlargement with jQuery 

Inline Image Enlargement with jQuery screen shotl. 
This jQuery tutorial shows you a slick and animated method for enlarging thumbnail-sized photos when the user hovers on them.

16. Slider Gallery 

Slider Gallery screen shot. 
In this jQuery tutorial, you'll learn how to create a sliding gallery that leans on jQuery UI  to make dealing with theming the web component a breeze.

17. Simple jQuery Image Slide Show with Semi-Transparent Caption 

Simple jQuery Image Slide Show with Semi-Transparent Caption screen shot. 
In this tutorial, you'll learn about the concept of tweaking opacity of elements, as well as using the setInterval function to delay the firing off of another function.

18. BBC Radio 1 Zoom Tabs 

BBC Radio 1 Zoom Tabs screen shot. 
This screencast tutorial shows you how to zoom in and out of an image and reveal a module tab interface when the user hovers of it. The tutorial was inspired the BBC Radio 1  site which shows a similar effect.

19. Photo Slider Tutorial 

Photo Slider Tutorial screen shot. 
This tutorial shows you how easy it is to implement the Photo Slider JS library to create a stunning but user-friendly sliding photo gallery.

Interacting with Content / Displaying Content

20. Creating a "Filterable" Portfolio with jQuery 

Creating a "Filterable" Portfolio with jQuery screen shot. 
In this jQuery tutorial, you'll discover a method for creating a gallery of images that can be filtered by categories.

21. How to Build a Super Duper News Scroller 

How to Build a Super Duper News Scroller screen shot. 
This screencast-format tutorial will show you how you can create a news scroller to display dynamic news feed connected to an RSS feed. This tutorial also uses PHP andSimplePie  to interface with RSS feeds.

22. Text Resizing With jQuery 

Text Resizing With jQuery screen shot. 
Resizing text on a web page is often a valuable site feature to help adjust the text within the web page instead of using the browsers' features. This tutorial goes over a method for being able to resize text with jQuery that will work regardless of what font size units you use (i.e. px, em, %).

23. jQuery Sequential List 

jQuery Sequential List screen shot. 
This tutorial leverages DOM manipulation to create a jQuery script that will replace your unordered (<ul>) and ordered (<ol>) lists into something fancier. The script you'll learn to write in this tutorial gracefully degrades in the JavaScript off scenario.

24. Animate your message boxes with jQuery 

Animate your message boxes with jQuery screen shot. 
You'll read about a technique on how to animate message boxes using jQuery, in this excellent tutorial.

25. Create an Amazon Books Widget with jQuery and XML 

Create an Amazon Books Widget with jQuery and XML screen shot. 
You'll learn how to leverage jQuery and the Amazon API to display products inside a content area that's horizontally-scrollable in this highly-involved step-by-step tutorial.

26. Building a jQuery-Powered Tag-Cloud 

Building a jQuery-Powered Tag-Cloud screen shot. 
Tag clouds  are effective in display the most popular categories or keywords on your site. By using jQuery and following along this excellent tutorial, you can create a remarkable tag cloud widget on your site.

27. Simple jQuery Spy Effect 

Simple jQuery Spy Effect screen shot. 
In this tutorial, you'll discover an innovative technique for mimicking Digg's now defunct Digg Spy application (here is Digg Spy's predecessor ).

28. Coda Slider Effect 

Coda Slider Effect screen shot. 
Learn to create the Coda  sliding content area using jQuery in this step-by-step screencast.

Web Forms

29. Improving Search Boxes with jQuery 

Improving Search Boxes with jQuery screen shot. 
Create search boxes that are highlighted when the user focuses on them by following along this excellent jQuery tutorial.

30. Build An Incredible Login Form With jQuery 

Build An Incredible Login Form With jQuery screen shot. 
If you're interested in creating better-looking and more interactive signup forms that drop down from its location when a user clicks on it, this excellent jQuery tutorial will show you how.

Navigation Menus

31. Horizontal Scrolling Menu with CSS and jQuery 

Horizontal Scrolling Menu with CSS and jQuery screen shot. 
This jQuery tutorial will show you a technique for creating an impressive scrollable menu that moves based on the user's mouse movements.

32. Fading Menu – Replacing Content 

Fading Menu - Replacing Content screen shot. 
Create an animated fading navigation menu by following along Chris Coyier's excellent tutorial.

33. Using jQuery for Background Image Animations 

Using jQuery for Background Image Animations screen shot. 
Johnathan Snook shows us how easy it is to create a slick, animated navigation menu by transitioning background-image position.

34. Animated Menus Using jQuery 

Animated Menus Using jQuery screen shot. 
Learn how to create this impressive jQuery-based navigation menu that has an interesting animation effect.

35. Create an apple style menu and improve it via jQuery 

Create an apple style menu and improve it via jQuery screen shot. 
This interesting tutorial shows you how to create an Apple-inspired navigation menu that, when hovered over, expands the navigation item.

36. multilevel Dropdown menu with CSS and jQuery 

multilevel Dropdown menu with CSS and jQuery screen shot. 
This tutorial shows you how you can leverage some powerful jQuery methods such as.find() and .css() to create an animated, multilevel dropdown navigation menu.

37. jQuery & CSS Example – Dropdown Menu 

jQuery & CSS Example - Dropdown Menu screen shot. 
In this jQuery tutorial, you'll find a quick and easy method for creating a dropdown menu. (Live demo on the tutorial page)

38. Creating a Floating HTML Menu Using jQuery and CSS 

Creating a Floating HTML Menu Using jQuery and CSS screen shot. 
This jQuery-based navigation menu tutorial will show you how to create a menu that follows you up and down the page as you scroll.

39. Navigation List menu + jQuery Animate Effect Tutorial 

Navigation List menu + jQuery Animate Effect Tutorial screen shot. 
You'll learn about a technique on how to animate a navigation list menu in this wonderful jQuery tutorial.

Horizontal Slide Nav Using jQuery & CSS 

Horizontal Slide Nav Using jQuery & CSS screen shot. 
Learn to create a spectacular sliding navigation whose animation is triggered when the user hovers over a navigation item.

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